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Mapped: Personal Finance Education Requirements, by State

The Percentage of Students Receiving Personal Finance Education

When you graduated from high school, did you know how to create a budget? Did you have an understanding of what stocks and bonds were? Did you know how to do your own taxes?

For many Americans, the answer to these questions is probably a “no”. Only 22.7% of U.S. high school students are guaranteed to receive a personal finance education. While this is up from 16.4% in 2018, this still represents a small fraction of students.

This graphic uses data from Next Gen Personal Finance (NGPF) to show the percentage of high school students required to take a personal finance course by state.

A Closer Look at State-level Personal Finance Education

A standalone personal finance course was defined as a course that was at least one semester, which is equivalent to 60 consecutive instructional hours. Here’s the percentage of students in each state who have a required (not optional) personal finance course.

State/Territory % of Students Required to Take Personal Finance Course
Mississippi 100.0%
Missouri 100.0%
Virginia 100.0%
Tennessee 99.7%
Alabama 99.6%
Utah 99.6%
Iowa 91.3%
North Carolina 89.2%
Oklahoma 47.1%
New Jersey 43.0%
Nebraska 42.8%
Kansas 40.8%
Wyoming 38.3%
Arkansas 34.6%
Wisconsin 33.5%
South Dakota 27.1%
Ohio 23.5%
Pennsylvania 16.2%
Maine 15.6%
Rhode Island 14.8%
Connecticut 14.7%
Illinois 13.9%
Maryland 12.5%
North Dakota 12.2%
Vermont 12.1%
Nevada 11.0%
Indiana 10.9%
Oregon 7.5%
Minnesota 6.9%
Montana 6.9%
New Hampshire 6.0%
Kentucky 5.5%
Colorado 5.4%
Delaware 5.0%
Massachusetts 5.0%
West Virginia 3.2%
Louisiana 2.7%
Washington 2.4%
Texas 2.2%
New York 2.0%
Michigan 1.7%
Idaho 1.4%
Arizona 1.0%
California 0.8%
South Carolina 0.8%
Alaska 0.6%
Florida 0.4%
New Mexico 0.4%
Georgia 0.0%
Hawaii 0.0%
Washington, D.C. 0.0%

Eight states currently have state-wide requirements for a personal finance course: Alabama, Mississippi, Missouri, Iowa, North Carolina, Tennessee, Utah, and Virginia. Naturally, the level of personal finance education is highest in these states.

Five states have begun the process of implementing a requirement, with Florida being the most populous state yet to guarantee personal finance education for high schoolers. The state previously required schools to offer a personal finance course as an elective, but only 5% of students took the course.

Outside of the guarantee states, only 9.3% of students are required to take a personal finance course. That number drops to 5% for schools that have a high percentage of Black or Brown students, while students eligible for a free or reduced lunch program (i.e. lower income students) also hover at the 5% number.

Why is Personal Financial Education Important?

The majority of Americans believe parents are responsible for teaching their children about personal finance. However, nearly a third of parents say they never talk to their children about finances. Personal finance education at school is one way to help fill that gap.

People who have received a financial education tend to have a higher level of financial literacy. In turn, this can lead to people being less likely to face financial difficulties.

People with low levels of financial literacy were five times more likely to be unable to cover one month of living expenses, when compared to people with high financial literacy. Separate research has found that implementing a state mandate for personal finance education led to improved credit scores and reduced delinquency rates.

Not only that, financial education can play a key role in building wealth. One survey found that only one-third of millionaires averaged a six-figure income over the course of their career. Instead of relying on high salaries, the success of most millionaires came from employing basic personal finance principles: investing early and consistently, avoiding credit card debt, and spending carefully using tools like budgets and coupons.

Expanding Access to Financial Education

Once the in-progress state requirements have been fully implemented, more than a third of U.S. high school students will have guaranteed access to a personal finance course. Momentum is expanding beyond guarantee states, too. There are 48 personal finance bills pending in 18 states according to NGPF’s financial education bill tracker.

Importantly, 88% of surveyed adults support personal finance education mandates—and most wish they had also been required to take a personal finance course themselves.

When we ask the next generation of graduates if they understand how to build a budget, it’s more likely that they will confidently say “yes”.

The post Mapped: Personal Finance Education Requirements, by State appeared first on Visual Capitalist.

This content was originally published here.

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